Joy in the Journey is a non-profit Christian ministry committed to supporting, encouraging, and connecting foster and adoptive families across the United States. We are supported solely through donations and fundraisers such as t-shirt and merchandise sales.
The Joy in the Journey team members work completely on a volunteer basis and receive no compensation. It is our passion to help, support, and encourage foster and adoptive families. We are so thankful and humbled that God has given us this ministry. It is truly such a blessing and privilege to serve these families.
It has been our goal from the very beginning to put on a fantastic Retreat for the lowest cost possible. We do not want the price of the retreat to deter foster and adoptive mothers from attending. Your donation will help us continue to minister to these families by providing an online community and resource center as well as a high-quality Retreat where these mothers can rest, be renewed, relax, learn, grow, and connect with God and other foster and adoptive moms.