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Writer's pictureJoy in the Journey


“I am the daughter of a King who is not moved by the world, for my God is with me and goes before me. I do not fear because I am His.” (Unknown)

God’s army is rising up in this spiritual battle, and you’re a part of it. You not only wear a crown, but you bear weapons against the enemy. Satan has been scheming against you. His attacks have been cunning. He has come after every part of you; your marriage, your family, your mind, your emotions, dreams for your future... We are called to fight back, courageously and fearlessly. We have been called to get up, no matter how the enemy tries to destroy us; to declare victory before we see it; to believe that the Lord we serve is alive and by our side.

“I want to be a woman who overcomes obstacles by tackling them in faith instead of tiptoeing around them in fear.” – Renee Swope

It isn’t always easy being brave. Sometimes it seems impossible to be brave without the absence of fear, but Christ told us that we can look fear in the face and say, “Move aside, you’re in the way.” Christ left you promises in His love letter to you. He promised to go through this battle with you. He dreamed you up, He claimed you, refined you through His grace, covered you with His righteousness as fine clothing, and placed this crown on your head. You have walked through the fire, sometimes tarnishing that crown. Dust it off and prepare for battle. The enemy is a liar. FEAR is a liar. Stop believing the lies of the enemy, and start fighting by believing the promises of God. They are abundant, and they are motivating!

“I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.” – Psalm 34:4

“Call to me and I will answer you.” – Jeremiah 3:33

“The Lord says, ‘I will rescue those who love Me. I will protect those who trust in My name. When they call on Me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will reward them with a long life and give them My salvation.’” – Psalm 91:14-16

“The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.” – Deuteronomy 31:8

“I will go before you and make the crooked places straight.” – Isaiah 45:2

“And I will be to her a wall of fire all around, declares the Lord, and I will be the glory in her midst.” – Zechariah 2:5

“She who trusts in the Lord will never be disappointed.” – Isaiah 49:23

So, put on your crown, grab your sword and arrows, and know that your purpose as a warrior and princess of the King is to rise above the fear, conquer the enemy, and go save this world in need of a true King.

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