“When you are looking for joy, you will always find it hiding in your gratitude.” – Ann Voskamp

We exist in a culture where gratitude isn’t always the first reaction, yet there’s always something to be grateful for, even on days where the unexpected pain creeps into our peripheral and threatens to steal our joy. Finding gratitude isn’t always as simple as it sounds, however. Life will eventually loom large, dark, and loudly upon us. It will always stretch us, test us; try to move us, shake us, and break us. Being grateful at these times is far from how our human nature demands we react; far from what our emotions scream within. Seeing our broken world through grateful eyes isn’t easy, but when we do it – when we change our view and focus our earthly lenses – magic can truly happen. The ugly will be stripped and laid bare. The darkness will flee. The noise will fade into the background, and expose what we previously couldn’t see.
“Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
It will stretch you, but it’s good for the body and soul. It will shake you, but you’re strong enough to stand your ground. Find something you are grateful for, a minuscule particle of something. A miracle is waiting to take place in this world we barely exist in. You, my friend, were created to help spread it. All may appear broken, but it’s a brokenness that is ready to be pieced back together. All is beautiful, a miracle, magic. All is worship. Be grateful, friends. Self, be grateful! Gratitude wields a stunning power amidst the chaos of this life; the power of clarity, and the power to change that which it surrounds.
“Seeing the life that God has given us through a lens of thankfulness will produce joy.” – Amaris Beecher
Gratitude and joy go hand in hand. When we aren’t grateful, we have no room for joy. When we change our attitude, it will change the entire scope of how we exist, how we breathe, and how we love. Gratitude changes everything.
“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever.” – Psalm 136:1